Female Dorm at Bugis area | Singapore - Singapore

15 queen street, 188537 新加坡, 新加坡

Female Dorm at Bugis area 的描述

預訂Female Dorm at Bugis area可享 Genius 折扣!只要登入,預訂此住宿即可省一筆。

Female Dorm at Bugis area 位在新加坡,距離萊佛士城 300 公尺,設有共用休息室、WiFi(免費)、共用廚房和行李寄放服務。這間住宿享有市景,距離聖安德烈教堂 700 公尺,距離武吉士街 800 公尺。


Female Dorm at Bugis area 附近的人氣景點包括新達城新加坡國際會議展覽中心、新加坡國家美術館和新加坡美術館。

Female Dorm at Bugis area 的房间选择

Female Dorm at Bugis area 的服務

停車場 無停車設施。
網路 住宿全館提供WiFi免費。
廚房 公共廚房, 餐桌, 清潔用品, 烤麵包機, 爐台, 烘衣機, 廚房用具, 電熱水壺, 廚房, 洗衣機, 微波爐, 冰箱, 簡易廚房
臥室 床單, 衣櫃或衣櫥, 鬧鐘, 更衣室
衛浴 衛生紙, 毛巾, 額外收費的毛巾/床單, 浴缸或淋浴, 拖鞋, 共用廁所, 廁所, 免費盥洗用品, 吹風機, 浴缸, 淋浴間
客廳 用餐區, 沙發, 休息區, 書桌
多媒體/科技 電腦, 平面電視, 電視
客房設施 床邊插座, 沙發床, 曬衣架, 吊衣架
戶外 室外傢俱, 戶外傢俱
綜合設施 僅限成人入住, 防過敏, 吸菸區, 空調, 全面禁菸, 硬木或實木地板, 磁磚/大理石地板, 隔音, 私人入口, 筆記型電腦保險箱, 隔音客房, 電梯, 暖氣, 電風扇, 燙衣設備, 禁菸客房, 熨斗
餐飲服務 茶/咖啡沖泡設備
服務項目 每日清潔服務, 公共休息區/電視區, 儲物櫃, 行李寄存, 傳真/複印 另外收費, 快速入住/退房手續, 熨燙服務 另外收費, 洗衣 另外收費
景色 市景, 地標景, 景觀
安全 滅火器, 住宿外設有監視器, 公共區域設有監視器, 偵煙探測器, 警報器, 房卡進出, 保險箱
使用的語言 英語, 中文

Female Dorm at Bugis area 條件

入住時間 14:00~00:00
退房時間 11:00~13:00
預訂取消/ 預付政策 取消和預付款政策根據各種住宿類型而有所不同。 請輸入您的入住日期並參閱您所需的客房的條款。
孩童加床選項 不接待孩童入住
年齡限制 僅允許年齡介於 18~50 歲的住客辦理入住
Booking.com 支付服務 Booking.com 代住宿單位收取款項,請自備現金支付額外費用。
吸菸政策 禁止吸菸
須放低音量的時段 住客必須在 23:00~09:00 放低音量
寵物 不允許攜帶寵物入住。
請提前告知Female Dorm at Bugis area您預計抵達的時間。您可以在訂房時使用特殊要求方框通知對方,或透過確認函上提供的聯絡資料直接與住宿處聯繫。

What is the average price to stay at Female Dorm at Bugis area?

The average price is 21 usd for the next dates. To know more details, please enter your arrival and departure dates. usd for the next dates. To know more details, please enter your arrival and departure dates.

Female Dorm at Bugis area 的 100% 真實評論


旅行的目的: Leisure trip
關於 Female Dorm at Bugis area,你會強調什麼
Very Good
No comments
旅行的目的: Leisure trip
關於 Female Dorm at Bugis area,你會強調什麼
It was a pleasant stay and the dedicated staff was top class! Thank you so much.
The staff was super friendly and helpful! Location was also right in the heart of the city which made it very assessible.
Have to climb 3 flights of stairs. Haha!
旅行的目的: Leisure trip
關於 Female Dorm at Bugis area,你會強調什麼
Very bad hotel my two staff complained itching whole body after sleeping in the bed toilet was nasty and fellow traveller was really dirty messed up the room
Everything was poorly maintained not recommend to anyone
旅行的目的: Leisure trip
關於 Female Dorm at Bugis area,你會強調什麼
Was an enjoyable time to meet staff and new friends.
It's a very comfortable and affordable value for money place.
Location area is convenient to travel by bus or MRT.

Female Dorm at Bugis area 附近
Singapore / Singapore


National Library Singapore National Library Singapore
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Singapore Management University Singapore Management University
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Raffles City Raffles City
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0.2 miles
Esplanade MRT Station Esplanade MRT Station
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City Hall MRT Station City Hall MRT Station
0.3 miles
St Andrew's Cathedral St Andrew's Cathedral
0.3 miles
Esplanade Theatres on the Bay Esplanade Theatres on the Bay
0.5 miles
Singapore Flyer Singapore Flyer
0.8 miles
Mustafa Center Mustafa Center
0.9 miles

Connections & Popular Places of interest


Cafe/Bar CLARK KEY Cafe/Bar
0.6 miles

Restaurant FIRST STOP COFFEE Restaurant
0 miles

Restaurant TOAST BOX AT NAFA Restaurant
0.1 miles

Supermarket FAIRPRICE EXPRESS Supermarket
0.2 miles

Market ALBERT MALL Market
0.2 miles

- Female Dorm at Bugis area -

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